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Floor Plans

Floor Plans

Sunrise Estates I and Sunrise Estates II blend together as one singular, affordable community, Sunrise Estates. However, each property (Sunrise Estates I and II) have separate affordability components, with separate waitlists and websites. This website and waitlist are for Sunrise Estates I. 
  • Sunrise Estates I is a rural development affordable property. We provide homes for households making up to 60% of the area's median income (AMI) levels ($45,600 for a family of four). Some of our homes have rental assistance through RD funding which adjusts the tenant portion of rent to 30% of their adjusted annual income. Apply to the Sunrise Estates I waitlist by clicking below. 
  • Sunrise Estates II is a tax-credit affordable property. Sunrise Estates II provides homes for households making up to 60% of the area's median income (AMI) levels ($45,600 for a family of four). Apply to the Sunrise Estates II waitlist
Applying to an online waitlist for either property will only sign you up for that specific property. If you would like to apply to both online waitlists, please submit two separate waitlist applications. Contact us for more information on income requirements and the waitlist process. We want to welcome you home! 


  • 1 Bed
  • 1 Bath
  • 584 Sq. Ft.


  • 2 Bed
  • 1 Bath
  • 816 Sq. Ft.


  • 3 Bed
  • 1 Bath
  • 976 Sq. Ft.
Map View
This property has more than one floor plan design per unit type. All dimensions are approximate. Actual product and specification may vary in dimension or detail. Not all features are available in every apartment. We cannot guarantee the availability of specific unit floor plans, eligibility is based on the next available unit in your preferred bedroom count.